Most Haunted Places In Florida

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I’ve been living in Florida for quite a while now. It is definitely an unusual place, to say the least.

Florida is one of the only places I have ever set foot in that has such a wide diverse range of cultures. Geographically sitting in an area of the map where all types of unique heritages and religious beliefs poring in…

One has to wonder, how many types of paranormal could possibly be lingering through the streets. Today’s article will cover the most haunted places in Florida!

Most Haunted Places In America

List of Most Haunted Places In Florida

Regardless if you are visiting for the weekend or a local looking for an around-the-corner-adventure, you will all find this list of disturbing places something worth looking into.

Since the sunshine state is such a vast collection of land, there are countless areas of interest we could touch on. For the sake of time, I will cover a few of my personal favorite places.

This list will generally cover a location in different regions of Florida to hopefully uncover a spot near you. If you would like to know about more places in a specific part of Florida…

Be sure to let me know where you are in the comments down below and I will do a follow-up post in that region just for you!

St. Augustine Lighthouse

1. St. Augustine Lighthouse

St. Augustine – This region of Florida has plenty of known haunted locations. The Old Lighthouse is by far my favorite landmarks to explore.

You can literally feel the eerie presence of paranormal activity increasing with each step up the 219 spiraling flight of stairs.

The dense thicket of trees surrounding the tower provides a nice refuge for the lighthouse to overlook the nearby river.

Legend has it a number of sudden deaths that occurred within the Old Lighthouse since it’s construction back in 1874.

The first unfortunate demise happened to the original keeper, Joseph Andreu when he fell from the 165-foot building while painting.

Shortly after, a new lighthouse keeper, Hezekiah Pity was hired to oversee the tower and provide renovations.

One day while his daughters, Eliza and Mary were out playing on the building cart, used to carry material from the bay to the lighthouse…

Suddenly broke and ran off into the water, drowning both girls. One of the original owners of the building, Dr. Allan Ballard, never wanted to sell the lighthouse and eventually refused to leave the lighthouse altogether due to conflict with the local government.

He later died in the lighthouse resulting in a permanent occupancy state in spirit form.

My experience investigating here has been a lucrative one. The laughter of the two Pity girls can be heard from all parts of the tower. EMF readings appear stronger in the lower levels of the lighthouse.

There have been reports of the smell of a cigar coming from upper areas of the tower resembling that of kind Peter Rasmussen, a former lightkeeper, once smoked when alive.

There have also been reports of a tall man being seen in the basement at times.

The Plaza Resort & Spa

2. The Plaza Resort & Spa

Daytona Beach – Even though this part of Florida may be best known for its high-speed race tracks, it also has its fair share of horror stories. 

The Plaza is a beautiful hotel that once had a very tragic event. This grand resort comes complete with a restaurant, pool, and other expected amenities.

The exotic yellow building sits on the edge of the Daytona Beach shoreline, overlooking the North Atlantic Ocean.

The Plaza is actually a rebuild of another building known as The Clarendon. The original building was constructed back in 1888 but was obliterated by a fire in 1909. After rebuilding and opening back up in 1911, many have reported experiencing paranormal activity since.

Ghosts of the assumed victims caught in blazing fire roam the hallways of this resort often tampering with elevators and doors within the establishment.

Staff working in The Plaza restaurant, Veranda Bar and Grille will often report seeing ghostly presence around the bar. In 2013 actual footage began to circulate around the news of a shape-shifting entity freely roaming through the dining area.

Gucci Store Palm Beach

3. The Gucci Store

Palm Beach – An Italian luxury brand known for its fashion goods has had some troubling luck here in Florida when it comes to the supernatural.

Gucci decided to relocate its Palm beach store in 2010 due to a hazing poltergeist plaguing store staff and customers.

The original location was 256 Worth Ave before Gucci shut the store down and moved things down the street to 150 Worth Ave.

The previous building could be described as an off white storefront draped in hanging green Ivy. Sitting in the heart of West Palm Beach, the town is minutes away from the oceanfront.

Not much history can be found as to the origin of the ghost that wreaks havoc on the building.

Employees reported having things mysteriously moved around, lights flickering, and hearing their names called from empty rooms.

Some even reported not being able to open doors that were in no way locked. After acknowledging they were dealing with clear signs of a mean intended spirit, management decided it was best to part ways with the location altogether and set up shop elsewhere.

The store does appear to be occupied by a new business currently, so any kind of paranormal investigation will more than likely require permission from the store owner.

Interstate 4

4. Interstate 4

Seminole County – Known to many locals as “the dead zone”, this quarter-mile-long road has an even longer list of recorded unfortunate events! 

Interstate 4 has plenty of paranormal-worthy real estate for any level ghost hunter to explore. This lengthy span of open highway has everything from bridges, woodland terrain, to even vast scapes of fields fading into the horizon.

Parts of the road can be found without light making night investigating ideal for paranormal researchers.

The history of supernatural occurrences dates all the way back to 1887 when an immigrant family died of yellow fever living on the land prior to becoming what it is today.

At the time the bodies of the family were buried in a then wooded area. In 1959, the government began building the interstate through that area overlapping the family’s cemetery.

Since opening the highway in 1963, there have been thousands of reported crashes and fatalities on that road.

Unexplained Weather

5. Unexplained Weather…

In 1960, Florida experienced one of the most deadly hurricanes to ever hit the state… Hurricane Donna.

The bizarre thing about Donna was the way it traveled. Donna initially touched down on the southern edge of Florida, making its way towards the Gulf of Mexico.

On the day the graves of the immigrant family got plowed over to make way for the construction of the highway, Donna changed direction and started heading north… Traveling along the lines of the intended interstate.

Today it has been reported that many people will often experience white noise while on the phone passing through the area.

The majority lose connection entirely, further supporting Interstate 4 reputable nickname “the dead zone.”

Accidents that happen on this road are commonly unexplainable causing motorists to avoid the area completely.

One of the most terrifying reports to hear are the stories of phantom 18-wheelers passing by, disappearing in rearview mirrors… Or hitchhikers continuously reappearing.

Fort East Martello Museum

6. Fort East Martello Museum

Key West – Even though there is a fair share of cemeteries lurking with the presence of Bahamian descent I’ve enjoyed over the years…

There’s a place far more sinister I would hand down call my favorite place to have a paranormal experience in. That place, my fellow investigators is the East Martello Museum.

There is a doll that was donated there that may in fact still be possessed today.

Robert The Doll, is a toy currently sitting on display at the East Martello Museum, encased in glass.

This doll belonged to a little boy named Robert Eugene Otto. In 1904, a Bahamian servant made this doll as a gift to Robert in the early ages of childhood. The figurine stood four-feet tall and was made of wood wool and cotton.

Robert cherished this figure as a child and would often talk to it as if it was another child. Things started to take a turn for the worst when Robert started making trouble at home.

He’d often blame the doll for doing things like pillaging his room and displayed abnormal behavior. Reports were later made by others that they could often hear the doll talking back to Robert in unique voices.

Today, many have stated that the doll would change facial expressions from behind the enclosure it currently sits.

A supernatural activity like odd sounds and light orbs have also been found to happen within the museum. I’ve personally experienced cold spots as well as fluctuating EMF readings here during my visit.

I’m hoping to get the opportunity to go back soon and see what my spirit box may pick up.

Launch Complex 34

7. Launch Complex 34

Cape Canaveral –  All of my readers that enjoy exploring abandoned areas are going to love this site. Launch Complex 34 is a deserted field where Apollo 1 failed to take flight.

This concrete field is owned by NASA but completely open to the public for viewing. The uncanny appearance of rusted metal and tainted cement will give anyone an odd sense of what happened here.

This landmark is surrounded by open fields and vast ocean just east of the establishment.

In 1969, three astronauts, command pilot Gus Grissom, pilot Roger Chaffee, and senior pilot Ed White met a grimly fate during some testing in a flash fire.

With just 14 days before the actual launch, the pilots remain trapped inside the Apollo 1 during the fire. Since the unfortunate death of the astronauts, reports have been made of numerous paranormal encounters.

Reports of screams being heard have been made over the years. Hovering entities have been sited around the location as well as the daunting gloom of depression contagiously spreads through the environment.

For a duration of time, NASA temporarily didn’t allow public viewing due to the unexplained events. A memorial along with the landing zones remains can be viewed today.

City of Miami Cemetery

8. City of Miami Cemetery

Miami – As expected with cemeteries, there’s a lot of history to be revealed in this iconic landmark.

For starts, this cemetery is one of the oldest burial grounds in all of Miami. As far as haunted places in Florida, This is probably one of the pleasantly scenic places to visit.

With overflowing foliage of flowers, The flora here consistently competes with the classic architect of the buildings surrounding the cemetery.

The City of Miami Cemetery has a wide range of notable graves residing within it. The “mother of Miami” Julia Tuttle is buried here. Julia was the original owner of the land that Miami was built on.

She was an accomplished businesswoman remembered as the only female to have founded a major city. Carrie Miller was known for her unusual burial arrangement.

When she died, instead of placing her in a traditional casket… She was literally placed within the ground inside her bed and then covered in cement.

Another unusual aspect of this cemetery is the way the bodies are segregated. The land is divided up into three sections, Jewish, African American, and Military personnel.

There are Confederate as well as Union soldiers buried in the military part of the cemetery. Even though the land is generally a positive place to experience as a ghost hunter…

The gloomy exhausting presence of the afterlife does linger around the environment. This is a great location to start for those getting their feet wet in the hobby.

Final Thoughts

If you are new to the hobby or a seasoned ghost hunter living in the area… This list of haunted places in Florida is perfect for you to browse through.

Many people might be here for the sand and sunshine… But for those of us looking for an edge on a ghostly experience, this state can definitely deliver.

Florida is rich with history as well as a culture so there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Have you been to any of the places on this list? If so, what was your personal experience like?

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